We completed an effort that lasted for months while we respected the commitments we made! After signing a memorandum of cooperation with the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece and developing a funding proposal for the members of the Blue Municipalities Network, our organization finalized the procedure of developing a statute for the legal entity of the network.

In this context, our organization first introduced extensive consultation with the members of the Network, developed a draft statute and sent it to the members for additional comments, collected and incorporated the comments to the text, developed the final text and sent it to the member municipalities for approval. During the whole process, the legal advisor Ms. Lina Dikaikou had the most decisive contribution, since she was the one who voluntarily developed the statute.

Now, the decision on whether the Network acquires a legal entity belongs to the municipal councils, while our organization respected in the most appropriate way the commitments made during the meeting of the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece that took place in February 2022. For this reason our joy is evident as well as our anticipation for the next step that could certainly be unique at national and European level.