We returned to Kea after 3 years to inaugurate the island’s Marine Litter Collection Station but also to welcome the local community and the local authorities to the Blue Municipal Network that now counts 14 members.

Despite the rough weather conditions, we managed not only to inaugurate the Marine Litter Collection Station but also to perform underwater cleaning in two ports. Unfortunately, the picture of the seabed in Vourkari was extremely disappointing where Aegean Rebreath divers were confronted with extensive pollution mainly from disposable plastics and other waste, such as glass bottles and soft drink packaging. The findings confirm that the thousands of boats that moor every year in the marinas of the island along with the bad habit of recklessly dumping waste heavily burden the sea.

Nevertheless, the positive mood and the warm hospitality of the residents in combination with the promising inauguration of the Marine Litter Collection Station and the inclusion of Kea in the Blue Municipalities’ Network, fill us with optimism for what we aspire to achieve in the future: to improve the status of this beautiful island’s marine environment. Together with the local community and our volunteers, we look forward to coming back!