An important step for our organization and its work is the signing of a memorandum of cooperation with the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece. Such progress is the result of the decisions taken during the last meeting of the mayors of the Blue Municipalities Network, which reflects the interest of the involved partners for comprehensive solutions.

The cooperation between Aegean Rebreath and the Central Association of Municipalities of Greece will focus on strengthening synergies for the Blue Municipalities Network, providing know-how in the development of policies for the protection of the marine environment, enhancing awareness-raising initiatives and developing tools and best practices.

Undoubtedly, this cooperation is considered highly honourable as well as important for the Blue Municipalities network and is a point of reference for the role that the civil society can demonstrate in supporting the work of local authorities.

We do hope that following the signing of the memorandum, our organization will be able to actively contribute to the efforts of the municipalities with the aim of turning the protection of the marine environment a priority for local communities.