Following the completion and dissemination of the results of the consultation held in September with representatives of the members of the Blue Municipalities Network, we presented a report with the conclusions to the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Deputy Minister for Environmental Protection, G. Amyras, during a special meeting.

In the past months, our organization, in consultation with the members of the Network, recorded the good practices that have been or are currently being implemented in the territory of each member. The purpose of the project is to identify effective practices and communicate their social impact. In addition, we recorded the needs of the members related to the management of the marine environment, in order to group possible common problems, draw substantiated conclusions and formulate appropriate proposals for the implementation of pilot programs.

Mr. Amyras showed great interest in the results that emerged from the completion of questionnaires by all members of the Network and discussed with us the next steps of our cooperation in support of the Blue Municipalities Network. This is the first time that policy development has been attempted at a central level through the recording of the problems that local authorities face. Another essential step for the Blue Municipalities’ Network.